张瑞,女,1991年出生,中共党员,研究生学历,博士。主要从事非热提取传质和特色农副产品精深加工及综合利用等方面研究,近五年,以第一或通讯作者在Trends in Food Science & Technology, Bioresource Technology, Food Chemistry等国际Top期刊发表SCI论文18篇,发表中文核心期刊论文2篇,参编英文电子书2部。多次参加国际会议,并于第三届电穿孔和脉冲电场世界会议发表口头报告,获食品组最佳汇报奖。担任Journal of Functional Food, Critical reviews in Biotechnology等国际期刊审稿人。目前主持国家、省市纵横类科研项目5项。
2020.09-至今 武汉轻工大学 讲师/副教授
2016.10-2020.07 法国贡比涅技术大学 过程工程与生物过程专业 工学博士
● 期刊论文
[1]Zhang, R., Ye, S., Guo, Y., Wu, M., Jiang, S., & He, J*. (2022). Studies on the interaction between homological proteins and anthocyanins from purple sweet potato (PSP): Structural characterization, binding mechanism and stability.Food Chemistry, 400, 134050.(SCI, IF: 9.231, Top)
[2] Tao, W., An, X., Guo, Z., Yang, N., Wu, M., Oliveira, H.,Zhang, R*., & He, J*. (2022). Structural characterization, acute toxicity assessment and protective effects of selenylated apple pectin on dextran sulfate sodium-induced ulcerative colitis.Food & Function,13(13), 7320–7332.(SCI, IF: 6.317)
[3]Zhang, R., Vorobiev, E., Zhu, Z*., & Grimi, N. (2021). Effect of pulsed electric fields pretreatment on juice expression and quality of chicory.Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 74.(SCI, IF: 7.104)
[4]Zhang, R*., Marchal, L., Vorobiev, E., & Grimi, N. (2021).Effect of combined pulsed electric energy and high pressure homogenization on selective and energy efficient extraction of bio-molecules from microalga Parachlorella kessleri,LWT, 110901(SCI, IF: 6.056)
[5]Zhang, R*., Lebovka, N., Marchal, L., Vorobiev, E., & Grimi, N. (2020).Multistage aqueous and non-aqueous extraction of bio-molecules from microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,102367(SCI, IF: 7.104)
[6]Zhang, R., Lebovka, N., Marchal, L., Vorobiev, E., & Grimi*, N. (2020).Pulsed electric energy and ultrasonication assisted green solvent extraction of bio-molecules from different microalgal species.Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 102358(SCI, IF: 7.104)
[7]Zhang, R., Zhou, L., Li, J., Oliveira, H., Yang, N., Jin, W., & He, J*. (2020). Microencapsulation of anthocyanins extracted from grape skin by emulsification/internal gelation followed by spray/freeze-drying techniques: Characterization, stability and bioaccessibility.LWT, 123, 109097 (SCI, IF: 6.056)
[8]Zhang, R*., Marchal, L., Lebovka, N., Vorobiev, E., & Grimi, N. (2020). Two-step procedure for selective recovery of bio-molecules from microalga Nannochloropsis oculata assisted by high voltage electrical discharges.Bioresource Technology, 302, 122893 (SCI, IF: 11.889, Top)
[9]Zhang, R., Li, S., Zhu, Z*., & He, J. (2019). Recent advances in valorization of Chaenomeles fruit: A review of botanical profile, phytochemistry, advanced extraction technologies and bioactivities.Trends in Food Science & Technology. 91, 467-482 (SCI, IF: 16.002, Top)
[10]Zhang, R., Zhan, S., Li, S., Zhu, Z*., He, J*., Lorenzo, J. M*., & Barba, F. J. (2018). Anti-hyperuricemic and nephroprotective effects of extracts from:Chaenomeles sinensis(Thouin) Koehne in hyperuricemic mice.Food & Function, 9(11), 5778–5790 (SCI, IF: 6.317)
● 会议论文
[1]Zhang R., Lebovka N., Marchal L., Vorobiev E., Grimi N. Comparison of extraction of bio-molecules assisted by pulsed electric energy and ultrasonication: Efficiencies for different microalgal species.4thWorld Congress on Electroporation & Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies,October 9-13, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.(海报报告)
[2]Zhang R., Grimi N., Lebovka N., Marchal L., Vorobiev E. High voltage electrical discharges and vacuum dying assisted selective extraction of bio-molecules from microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata.3rdWorld Congress on Electroporation &Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies,September 3-6, 2019, Toulouse, France.(口头报告)
[3]Zhang R., Grimi N., Lebovka N., Marchal L., Vorobiev E. Extraction of intracellular components from the microalgae Parachlorella kessleri by combining pulsed electric technologies and high pressure homogenization.2ndWorld Congress on Electroporation &Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology Medicine, Food and Environmental Technologies, September 24-28, 2017 Norfolk (VA), USA.(海报报告)