2011.9-2017.6 中国科学院大学 分析化学专业 理学博士
2007.9-2011.7 湖北大学 化学生物学专业 理学学士
2017.12-2019.4 中国科学院水生生物研究所 分析测试中心
2019.7- 武汉轻工大学 食品科学与工程学院
2011-2016 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目
2012-2016 国家自然科学基金面上项目
2014-2015 Global Engagements Scheme(the United Kingdom)
“Metabonomic, proteomic and genomic cross-platform comparative analysis of EGFR-driven and non-driven non-small cell lung cancer”
1.Yili Hu, Limin Zhang, Hai Wang, ShanXu, Ayeesha Mujeeb,Huiru Tang,Guangjun Nie, Yulan Wang.Biological Effects of Amphiphilic Copolymer Nanoparticle-Encapsulated Multi-target Chemotherapeutic Drugs on MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells.Metabolomics. 2017;13:49.
2.Yili Hu,XiaoyangZhu, Ruifang Zhao, Jin Wang, Yipeng Song,Guangjun Nie, Huiru Tang, Yulan Wang.Doxorubicin and paclitaxel carried by methoxy poly(ethylene-glycol)-poly(lactide-co-glycolide) is superior than traditional drug-delivery methods.Nanomedicine.2018, 13(8), 913-928.
3.Yili Hu,Fuhua Hao,Yulan Wang. NMR-Based Metabonomic Analyses on Spleen Tissues of 4T1Tumor-Bearing Mice Subjected to Chemotherapies with Different Drug DeliveryStrategies.Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance.2018, 35(1): 8-21.
4.Limin Zhang, Liming Wang,Yili Hu, Zhigang Liu, Yuan Tian, Xiaochun Wu, Yuliang Zhao, Huiru Tang, Chunying Chen, Yulan Wang. Selective metabolic effects of gold nanorods on normal and cancer cells and their application in anticancer drug screening.Biomaterials.2013,34(29), 7117-26.
5.Yipeng Song, Ruifang Zhao,Yili Hu, Fuhua Hao, Ning Li, Guangjun Nie, Huiru Tang, and Yulan Wang. Assessment of the Biological Effects of a Multifunctional Nano-Drug-Carrier and Its Encapsulated Drugs.Journal of proteome research.2015,14(12), 5193-201.
6.Hongde Li, William Stokes, Emily Chater, Rajat Roy, Elza de Bruin,Yili Hu, Zhigang Liu, Egbert F Smit, Guus JJE Heynen, Julian Downward, Michael J Seckl, Yulan Wang, Huiru Tang, Olivier E Pardo. Decreased glutathione biosynthesis contributes to EGFR T790M-driven erlotinib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer.Cell discovery.2016,2, 16031.
7.Olivier E Pardo, Leandro Castellano, Catriona E Munro,Yili Hu, Francesco Mauri, JonathanKrell, Romain Lara, Filipa G Pinho, Thameenah Choudhury, Adam E Frampton, Loredana Pellegrino, Dmitry Pshezhetskiy, Yulan Wang, Jonathan Waxman, Michael J Seckl,Justin Stebbing. miR-515-5p controls cancer cell migration through MARK4 regulation.EMBO reports.2016,17(4), 570-84.
8.ShanXu, Yuan Tian,Yili Hu, Nijia Zhang, Sheng Hu, Dandan Song, Zhengshun Wu, YulanWang, Yanfang Cui, Huiru Tang.Tumor growth affects the metabonomic phenotypes of multiple mouse non-involved organs in an A549 lung cancer xenograft model.Scientific reports.2016,6, 28057.