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时间:2022-09-26 作者: 来源: 阅读量:



1. 富硒植物资源筛选、培育与利用,植物富硒机理解析;

2. 精加工富硒产品标准化和硒与大健康的应用;

3. 富硒产业发展规划、富硒农产品生产标准制订、富硒产业品牌文化建设、硒科普及人才培养;

4. 区域经济组织与制度创新、行政管理与企业管理战略决策及高等教育管理


1. 论文

[1]      Cheng, H., Zha, S., Luo, Y., Li, L., Wang, S., Wu, S., Cheng, S., & Li, L. JAZ1-3 and MYC2-1 Synergistically Regulate the Transformation from Completely Mixed Flower Buds to Female Flower Buds in Castanea mollisima. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(12): 6452.

[2]      Honghui, Y. U. A. N., Linling, L. I., Li, L. I., Cheng, H., & Cheng, S. Promoter activity analysis and transcriptional profile of Ginkgo biloba 1-Deoxy-D-Xylulose 5-Phosphate reductoisomerase gene (GbDXR) under abiotic stresses. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 50(1), 12562-12562.

[3]      Yang, X.; Liao, X.; Yu, L.; Rao, S.; Chen, Q.; Zhu, Z.; Cong, X.; Zhang, W.; Ye, J.; Cheng, S; Xu, F. Combined metabolome and transcriptome analysis reveal the mechanism of selenate influence on the growth and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.). Food Research International, 2022, 156, 111135.

[4]      X. Lai, X. Yang, S. Rao, Z. Zhu,X. Cong, J. Ye, W. Zhang, Y. Liao, S. Cheng, F. Xu. Advances in physiological mechanisms of selenium to improve heavy metal stress tolerance in plants. Plant Biology, 2022, 5, 18.

[5]      Zhou, J.; Zhang, D.; Lv, X.; Liu, X.; Xu, W.; Chen, L.; Cai, J.; Din, Z.-u.; Cheng, S. Green Synthesis of Robust Selenium Nanoparticles via PolysaccharidePolyphenol Interaction: Design Principles and StructureBioactivity Relationship. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022.

[6]      Ming, S.; Chen, X.; Zhang, N.; Li, S.; Zhu, Z.; Cheng, S. Structure and stability analysis of antibacterial substance produced by selenium enriched Bacillus cereus BC1. Archives of Microbiology, 2022, 204 (3), 1-12.

[7]      Gui, J. Y.; Rao, S.; Gou, Y.; Xu, F.; Cheng, S. Comparative study of the effects of selenium yeast and sodium selenite on selenium content and nutrient quality in broccoli florets (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2022, 102 (4), 1707-1718.

[8]      Deng, K.; Li, L.; Li, L.; Xu, F.; Yuan, H.; Zha, S.; Xiao, X.; Yu, J.; Cheng, S.; Cheng, H. Molecular Mechanism of Selenium Affecting the Synthesis of Flavonoids in G. biloba Leaves. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2022, 40(2): 232-246.

[9]      Rao, S.; Yu, T.; Cong, X.; Zhang, W.; Zhu, Z.; Liao, Y.; Ye, J.; Cheng, S.; Xu, F. Effects of selenate applied at two growth stages on the nutrient quality of Cardamine violifolia. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 288, 110352.

[10]   Rao, S.; Gou, Y.; Yu, T.; Cong, X.; Gui, J.; Zhu, Z.; Zhang, W.; Liao, Y.; Ye, J.; Cheng, S. Effects of selenate on Se, flavonoid, and glucosinolate in broccoli florets by combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses. Food Research International, 2021, 146, 110463.

[11]   Rao, S.; Yu, T.; Cong, X.; Lai, X.; Xiang, J.; Cao, J.; Liao, X.; Gou, Y.; Chao, W.; Xue, H.; Cheng, S.; Xu, F. Transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome reveal the mechanism of tolerance to selenate toxicity in Cardamine violifolia. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 406, 124283.

[12]   Rao, S.; Yu, T.; Cong, X.; Xu, F.; Lai, X.; Zhang, W.; Liao, Y.; Cheng, S. Integration analysis of PacBio SMRT-and Illumina RNA-seq reveals candidate genes and pathway involved in selenium metabolism in hyperaccumulator Cardamine violifolia.       BMC plant biology 2020, 20 (1), 1-20.

[13]   Wu, M.; Cong, X.; Li, M.; Rao, S.; Liu, Y.; Guo, J.; Zhu, S.; Chen, S.; Xu, F.; Cheng, S., Effects of different exogenous selenium on Se accumulation, nutrition quality, elements uptake, and antioxidant response in the hyperaccumulation plant Cardamine violifolia.     Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020, 204, 111045.

[14]   Zhu, Z.; Li, S.; Cai, J.; Cong, X.; Yu, T.; Yang, W.; He, J.; Cheng, S. Green recovery of Se-rich protein and antioxidant peptides from Cardamine Violifolia: Composition and bioactivity. Food Bioscience, 2020, 38, 100743.

[15]   Zhu, S.; Du, C.; Yu, T.; Cong, X.; Liu, Y.; Chen, S.; Li, Y. Antioxidant Activity of Selenium-Enriched Peptides from the Protein Hydrolysate of Cardamine violifolia. Journal of Food Science, 2019, 84 (12), 3504-3511.

[16]   Linling, L. I.; Jie, Y. U.; Honghui, Y.; Sanxing, Z. H. A.; Kun, D.; Xian, X.; Yanyan, L. U. O.; Cheng, S.; Cheng, H. High-density kinetic analysis of the metabolomic and transcriptomic response of ginkgo biloba flavonoids biosynthesis to selenium treatments. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47 (3), 792-803.

[17]   Liao, X.; Rao, S.; Yu, T.; Zhu, Z.; Yang, X.; Xue, H.; Gou, Y.; Cheng, S.; Xu, F. Selenium yeast promoted the Se accumulation, nutrient quality and antioxidant system of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata L.). Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2021, 16 (6), 1907042.

[18]   Chen, X.; Li, S.; Cong, X.; Yu, T.; Zhu, Z.; Barba, F. J.; Marszalek, K.; Puchalski, C.; Cheng, S. Optimization of Bacillus cereus fermentation process for selenium enrichment as organic selenium source. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2020, 179.

[19]   Yu, T.; Guo, J.; Zhu, S.; Zhang, X.; Zhu, Z. Z.; Cheng, S.; Cong, X. Protective effects of selenium-enriched peptides from Cardamine violifolia on d-galactose-induced brain aging by alleviating oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neuron apoptosis. Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, 75, 104277.

[20]   Ye, J.; Mao, D.; Cheng, S.; Zhang, X.; Tan, J.; Zheng, J.; Xu, F.  Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals the potential stimulatory mechanism of terpene trilactone biosynthesis by exogenous salicylic acid in Ginkgo biloba. Industrial Crops and Products, 2020, 145, 112104.

[21]   Liu, X.-M.; Cheng, S.-Y.; Ye, J.-B.; Chen, Z.-X.; Liao, Y.-L.; Zhang, W.-W.; Kim, S.-U.; Xu, F. Screening and identification of miRNAs related to sexual differentiation of strobili in Ginkgo biloba by integration analysis of small RNA, RNA, and degradome sequencing. BMC plant biology, 2020, 20 (1), 1-18.

[22]   Yu, T.; Guo, J.; Zhu, S.; Li, M.; Zhu, Z.; Cheng, S.; Wang, S.; Sun, Y.; Cong, X. Protective effects of selenium-enriched peptides from Cardamine violifolia against high-fat diet induced obesity and its associated metabolic disorders in mice. RSC Advances, 2020, 10 (52), 31411-31424.

[23]   Cheng, S.; Xiaomeng, L. I. U.; Yongling, L.; Zhang, W.; Jiabao, Y. E.; Shen, R. A. O.; Feng, X. Genome-Wide Identification of WRKY Family Genes and Analysis of Their Expression in Response to Abiotic Stress in Ginkgo biloba L. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47 (4), 1100-1115.

[24]   Linling, L. I.; Honghui, Y.; Sanxing, Z. H. A.; Jie, Y. U.; Xian, X.; Kun, D.; Cheng, S.; Cheng, H. Transcriptome-based Discovery of AP2/ERF Transcription Factors Related to Terpene Trilactones Synthesis in Ginkgo biloba. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47 (3), 772-783.

[25]   Ye, J.; Cheng, S.; Zhou, X.; Chen, Z.; Kim, S. U.; Tan, J.; Zheng, J.; Xu, F.; Zhang, W.; Liao, Y. A global survey of full-length transcriptome of Ginkgo biloba reveals transcript variants involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 139, 111547.

[26]   Wang, L.; Yan, J.; Zhou, X.; Cheng, S.; Chen, Z.; Song, Q.; Liu, X.; Ye, J.; Zhang, W.; Wu, G. GbFT, a FLOWERING LOCUS T homolog from Ginkgo biloba, promotes flowering in transgenic Arabidopsis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 247, 205-215.

[27]   Rao, S.; Meng, X.; Liao, Y.; Yu, T.; Cao, J.; Tan, J.; Xu, F.; Cheng, S. Characterization and functional analysis of two novel 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase genes (GbHMGR2 and GbHMGR3) from Ginkgo biloba. Scientific reports, 2019, 9 (1), 1-13.

2. 专著

[1]      硒学导论, 程水源. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-25745-0, 2019-7.

[2]      硒地质地球化学, 金卫斌, 程水源. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-28505-7, 2021-7.

[3]      硒生理生化, 许锋,程水源. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-28594-1, 2021-7.

[4]      硒科学普及57, 程水源. 湖南科学技术出版社, ISBN978-7-109-25745-5, 2017-8.

[5]      硒科学普及52, 程水源. 湖南科学技术出版社, ISBN978-7-5357-9073-6, 2021-8.

[6]      硒之科普-标准用语与权威发布, 程水源. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-25862-4, 2019-8.

[7]      中国富硒农业发展典型范例, 中国农业技术推广协会. 中国农业出版社, ISBN978-7-109-25608-8, 2019-7.

[8]      中国富硒功能农业产业发展报告(2018), 程水源. 中国农业出版社       ISBN978-7-5116-4417-6, 2019-9.

3. 标准

[1]      植物源高有机硒饮料, 中国, T/HBSE 0002-2019, 2019-9-21, 湖北省硒产业协会, 恩施德源硒材料工程科技有限公司 ,    制订人: 程水源、丛欣、孟凡莉、祝振洲、李书艺、殷红清、廖美林、李洁 .

[2]      植物硒肽粉, 中国, T/HBSE 0008-2021, 2021-03-20, 湖北省硒产业协会, 完成单位: 恩施德源硒材料工程科技有限公司. 制订人: 丛欣、程水源、朱松、刘丽萍、李洁 .

[3]      富有机硒甘蓝生产技术规程, 中国, T/HBSE 0011-2021, 2021-3-20, 湖北省硒产业协会,完成单位: 长江大学、国家富硒农产品加工技术研发专业中心、武汉轻工大学、 恩施德源硒材料工程科技有限公司、国家富硒产品质量监督检验中心. 制订人: 许锋、程水源、饶申、廖晓丽、于添、储震、祝振洲

[4]      富有机硒西兰花生产技术规程, 中国, T/HBSE 0010-2021, 2021-3-20, 湖北省硒产业协会. 完成单位: 长江大学、国家富硒农产品加工技术研发专业中心、武汉轻工大学、 恩施德源硒材料工程科技有限公司、国家富硒产品质量监督检验中心. 制订人: 许锋、程水源、饶申、廖晓丽、于添、储震、祝振洲 .

[5]      富硒叶用银杏种植技术规程, 中国, T/HBSE 0012-2021, 2021-3-20 ,湖北省硒产业协会. 完成单位: 国家富硒农产品加工技术研发专业中心、武汉轻工大学、长江大学、 恩施德源硒材料工程科技有限公司、国家富硒产品质量监督检验中心. 制订人: 程水源、储震、陈强文、许锋、饶申、蔡杰、祝振洲、姜俊 .

[6]      硒元素科普规范用语指南, 中国, T/HBSE 0001-2019, 2019-9-25, 湖北省硒产业协会. 完成单位: 国家富硒农产品加工技术研发专业中心. 制订人: 程水源、储震、薛华、向极钎、丛欣、祝振洲、李书艺、王海滨 .

[7]      硒农业通用术语, 中国, T/CAI 015-2022, 2022-05-13, 中国农业国际合作促进会. 完成单位: 国家富硒农产品加工技术研发专业中心等. 制订人: 胡依黎、程水源、丛欣、祝振洲、许锋、郭作玉、刘瑾等.

4. 专利

[1]      一种分步提取富硒堇叶碎米荠中蛋白质和多糖的方法, 中国, ZL201910695238.3, 2020-08-14, 3937754(国家知识产权局), 完成人: 武汉轻工大学, 祝振洲、李书艺、吴麦玲、程水源、丛欣于添.

[2]      一种添加富硒酵母和大豆分离蛋白的芋头木薯奶酪圈及其制备方法, 中国, ZL201910872005.6      , 2022-04-19, 5087780(国家知识产权局), 完成人: 武汉轻工大学, 何毅、程水源、何静仁、祝振洲、张振文、梁国涛.

[3]      一种纳米硒复合凝胶及其制备方法、以及硒补充剂. 中国, ZL202110469490.X, 2022-05-10, 5141485(国家知识产权局), 完成人: 武汉轻工大学, 蔡杰、程水源、徐威.




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