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时间:2022-06-20 作者: 来源: 阅读量:




2017/8-2021/12  新加坡国立大学 化学系 理学博士学位



  1. 固态红色硅烷化碳点及其制备方法。发明人:刘应亮(导师),何江玲雷炳富,肖勇,庄健乐,张浩然。专利号:201611201941.7

  2. 一种双发射荧光纳米材料及其应用。发明人:刘应亮(导师),何江玲雷炳富,肖勇,庄健乐,张浩然。专利号:20161120454435


  1. J. He, Y. Chen, Y. He, X. Xu, B. Lei, H. Zhang, J. Zhuang, C. Hu and Y. Liu. Anchoring Carbon Nanodots onto Nanosilica for Phosphorescence Enhancement and Delayed Fluorescence Nascence in Solid and Liquid States. Small, 2020, 16, 2005228. SCI, IF: 13.281, JCR:一区

  2. J. He, Y. He, Y. Chen, B. Lei, J. Zhuang, Y. Xiao, Y. Liang, M. Zheng, H. Zhang and Y. Liu. Solid-State Carbon Dots with Red Fluorescence and Efficient Construction of Dual-Fluorescence Morphologies. Small, 2017, 13, 1700075. SCI, IF: 13.281, JCR:一区

  3. J. He, Y. He, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, C. Hu, J. Zhuang, B. Lei and Y. Liu. Construction and Multifunctional Applications of Carbon Dots/PVA Nanofibers with Phosphorescence and Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 347, 505-513. SCI, IF: 13.273, JCR:一区

  4. J. He, H. Zhang, J. Zou, Y. Liu, J. Zhuang, Y. Xiao and B. Lei. Carbon Dots-based Fluorescent Probe for “off-on” Hg(II) and I-. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 79, 531-535. SCI, IF: 10.618, JCR:一区

  5. J. He, S. Li, D. Lyu, D. Zhang, X. Wu and Q.-H. Xu. Aggregation Induced Emission Enhancement by Plasmon Coupling of Noble Metal Nanoparticles. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 3, 2421-2427. SCI, IF: 6.482, JCR:一区

  6. J. He                  1, Y. He                  1, J. Zhuang, H. Zhang, Y. Liu, and B. Lei.Luminescence Properties of Eu3+/CDs/PVA Composite Applied in Light Conversion Film. Optical Materials, 2016, 62, 458-464. SCI, IF: 3.08, JCR:二区

  7. J. He                  1, Y. He                  1, Y. Chen, B. Lei, H. Zhang, J. Zhuang, M. Zheng, and Y. Liu. One-Step Preparation of Carbon Dot-Grafted Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate for Tunable Photoluminescence and White Light-Emitting Diodes. RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 104724-104730. SCI, IF: 3.361, JCR:二区

  8. J. He, B. Lei, H. Zhang, M. Zheng, H. Dong, J. Zhuang, Y. Xiao and Y. Liu. Using Hydrogen Peroxide to Mediate through a One-Step Hydrothermal Method for the Fast and Green Synthesis of N-CDs. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(116), 95744-95749. SCI, IF: 3.361, JCR:二区

  9. Y. Ye, P. Li, J. Zhou, J. He*, and J. Cai*. The Improvement of Sensory and Bioactive Properties of Yogurt with the Introduction of Tartary Buckwheat. Foods (Accepted) SCI, IF: 3.817, JCR:

  10. W. Fan, J. He, H. Wei, C. Zhang, D. Xu, M. Zhu, S. Xiao, J. He*, J. Meng* and Z. Chen*. Broadband Nonlinear Optical Properties of Red Fluorescent Carbon Dot. Results in Physics, 2022, 38, 105591. SCI, IF: 4.477, JCR:一区

  11. S. Li, J. He and Q.-H. Xu*. Aggregation of Metal-Nanoparticle-Induced Fluorescence Enhancement and Its Application in Sensing. ACS Omega, 2020, 5, 41-48. SCI, IF: 3.512, JCR:二区

  12. Y. He, J. He, Z. Yu, Y. Liu, G. Hu, M. Zheng, H. Dong, J. Zhuang and B. Lei. Double Carbon Dot Assembled Mesoporous Aluminas: Solid-State Dual-Emission Photoluminescence and Multifunctional Applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6, 2495-2501. SCI, IF: 7.393, JCR:一区

  13. Y. He, J. He, L. Wang, Z. Yu, H. Zhang, Y. Liu and B. Lei. Synthesis of Double Carbon Dots Co-Doped Mesoporous Al2O3 for Ratiometric Fluorescent Determination of Oxygen. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2017, 251, 918-926. SCI, IF: 7.46, JCR:一区

  14. Y. Chen, J. He, C. Hu, H. Zhang, B. Lei and Y. Liu. Room Temperature Phosphorescence from Moisture-Resistant and Oxygen-Barred Carbon Dot aggregates. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 6243-6250. SCI, IF: 7.393, JCR:一区

  15. Y. He, J. He, H. Zhang, Y. Liu and B. Lei. Luminescent Properties and Energy Transfer of Luminescent Carbon Dots Assembled Mesoporous Al2O3: Eu3+ Co-Doped Materials for Temperature Sensing. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 496, 8-15. SCI, IF: 8.128, JCR:一区

  16. Y. He, J. He, H. Zhang, Y. Liu and B. Lei. Luminescent Carbon Dots Assembled into Mesoporous Aluminas for Oxygen Sensing. Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7, 945-954. SCI, IF: 3.442, JCR:一区

  17. Y. He, Z. Yu, J. He, H. Zhang, Y. Liu and B. Lei. Ratiometric and selective fluorescent sensor for Fe(III) and bovine serum albumin based on energy transfer. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2018, 262, 228-235. SCI, IF: 7.46, JCR:一区 


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 21571067,“复合农用转光材料的构建和性能研究2016.01-2019.1290万元,已结题

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 21671069基于甘蔗渣为原料的多级孔碳材料的制备、结构调控及电化学储能研究2017.01-2020.1265万元,已结题。

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, 51602108,“稀土掺杂氟化物/碳点复合材料的设计、可控制备与光谱调控研究2017.01-2019.1220万元,已结题。





  1. 激光光学测试系统的搭建与调试,激发和发射(one/multi-photon)荧光光谱采集,Z-Scan technology, 荧光/磷光寿命的采集与分析等光谱表征,Lumerical FDTD 时域有限差分法电磁场分布模拟仿真,扫描电子显微镜(SEM),透射电子显微镜(TEM),X射线衍射(XRD)等常见材料表征。

  2. 动物细胞的培养技术。




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