饶 申 博士、副教授
2021/09—今 武汉轻工大学硒科学与工程现代产业学院 专任教师
聚焦堇叶碎米荠这一宝藏植物,从基因到生态,我们正逐步揭开这种神奇植物的奥秘。 目前招收生物学、药学和硒科学与工程三个专业的研究生,欢迎同学联系。我相信,每个学生都有独特的闪光点,我的任务就是帮学生把闪光点放大,照亮科研之路,从科研小白逐渐成长为能独当一面的能手。
2. Shaobo Cai, Xiaomeng Liu, Mingwei Yue, Xiaofei Liu, Zhigang Yuan, Feng Xu, Shuiyuan Cheng, Shen Rao*, Comparative study on selenium content and nutritional quality of five different varieties of white tea, Food Chemistry: X, 26, 2025, 102282.
3. Liu, X. M., Yuan, Z. G., Rao, S., Zhang, W. W., Ye, J. B., Cheng, S. Y., & Xu, F. (2024). Identification, characterization, and expression analysis of WRKY transcription factors in Cardamine violifolia reveal the key genes involved in regulating selenium accumulation. BMC plant biology, 24(1), 860.
4. Liu, H., Xiao, C., Qiu, T., Deng, J., Cheng, H., Cong, X., Cheng, S., Rao, S*., & Zhang, Y. (2022). Selenium Regulates Antioxidant, Photosynthesis, and Cell Permeability in Plants under Various Abiotic Stresses: A Review. Plants, 12(1), 44. (ESI高被引和热点论文).
5. Gui, J.Y., Rao, S., Huang, X., Liu, X., Cheng, S., & Xu, F. (2022). Interaction between selenium and essential micronutrient elements in plants: A systematic review. The Science of the total environment, 853, 158673. (共同第1作者)
6. Rao, S., Gou, Y., Yu, T., Cong, X., Gui, J., Zhu, Z., Zhang, W., Liao, Y., Ye, J., Cheng, S., & Xu, F. (2021). Effects of selenate on Se, flavonoid, and glucosinolate in broccoli florets by combined transcriptome and metabolome analyses. Food research international, 146, 110463.
7. Rao, S., Yu, T., Cong, X., Zhu, Z., Cheng, S.Y., Xu, F. (2021). Effects of selenate applied at two growth stages on the nutrient quality of Cardamine violifolia. Scientia Horticulturae, 288: 110352.
8. Rao, S., Yu, T., Cong, X., Lai, X., Xiang, J., Cao, J., Liao, X., Gou, Y., Chao, W., Xue, H., Cheng, S., & Xu, F. (2021). Transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome reveal the mechanism of tolerance to selenate toxicity in Cardamine violifolia. Journal of hazardous materials, 406, 124283.
9. Rao, S., Yu, T., Cong, X., Xu, F., Lai, X., Zhang, W., Liao, Y., & Cheng, S. (2020). Integration analysis of PacBio SMRT- and Illumina RNA-seq reveals candidate genes and pathway involved in selenium metabolism in hyperaccumulator Cardamine violifolia. BMC plant biology, 20(1), 492.
10. 著作:《硒学导论》参编;《硒生理生化-植物篇》副主编。
1. 湖北省科技厅青年科技人才服务企业专项:基于大数据系统模型的富硒有机茶栽培与智慧茶园营造关键技术与示范,50万,2023.6-2025.12。
2. 湖北省自然科学基金项目:恩施碎米荠富集锂的机制研究,5万,2024.1-2025.12。
3. 武汉市知识创新曙光计划项目:硒调控堇叶碎米荠吸收和积累镉的生理与分子机制研究,10万,2022.6-2024.5。
4. 其它横向项目5项。