刘晓梦,女,1992年10月出生,研究生学历,博士,入选湖北省省级人才计划,主要开展植物药用活性成分的鉴定以及其合成机制的研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项、湖北省重点研发计划项目子课题1项、武汉市知识创新专项曙光项目1项。目前已经在Tree Physiology, BMC Plant Biology, Scientia Horticulturae, Science of the Total Environment, Frontiers in Plant Science等国内外学术期刊上发表论文20多篇;申请多项国家发明专利。
[1] Liu X, Zhang W, Tang N, et al. Genomic-wide identification and expression analysis of AP2/ERF transcription factors in Zanthoxylum armatum reveals the candidate genes for the biosynthesis of terpenoids. Plant Genome. 2024, 17(1): e20422. (二区)
[2] Liu X, Cheng H, Cheng S, et al. Advances in research on influencing factors of selenium enrichment in plants. Plant Growth Regul. 2024, 103: 243-255. (三区)
[3] Liu X, Ye J, Zhang X, et al. Multi-omics explores the potential regulatory role of acetylation modification in flavonoid biosynthesis of Ginkgo biloba. Tree Physiol. 2024, 44(6): tpae051. (一区)
[4] Yuan ZG, … Liu XM*. Research progress on the physiological mechanism by which selenium alleviates heavy metal stress in plants: A review. Agronomy. 2024, 14. (二区)
[5] Liu XM, Yuan ZG, Rao S, et al. Identification, characterization, and expression analysis of WRKY transcription factors in Cardamine violifolia reveal the key genes involved in regulating selenium accumulation. BMC Plant Biol. 2024, 24(1): 860. (二区)
[6] Cai S, Liu XM*, Yue M, et al. Comparative study on selenium content and nutritional quality of five different varieties of white tea. Food Chemistry-X. 2025, 102282. (一区)
[7] Liu XM, Tang N, Xu F, et al. SMRT and Illumina RNA sequencing reveal the complexity of terpenoid biosynthesis in Zanthoxylum armatum. Tree Physiol. 2022, 42(3): 664-683. (一区)
[8] Liu XM, He X, Liu ZB, et al. Transcriptome mining of genes in Zanthoxylum armatum revealed ZaMYB86 as a negative regulator of prickly development. Genomics. 2022, 114: 110374. (二区)
[9] Liu XM, Cheng SY, Ye JB, et al. Screening and identification of miRNAs related to sexual differentiation of strobili in Ginkgo biloba by integration analysis of small RNA, RNA, and degradome sequencing. BMC Plant Biol. 2020, 20(1): 387. (二区)
[10] Liu XM, Tan JP, Cheng SY, et al. Comparative transcriptome analysis provides novel insights into the molecular mechanism of berberine biosynthesis in Coptis chinensis. Sci. Hortic. 2021, 291: 110585. (二区)
[11] Liu XM, Zhang XX, He X, et al. Identification and analysis of CYP450 family members in Ginkgo biloba reveals the candidate genes for terpene trilactone biosynthesis. Sci. Hortic. 2022, 301: 111103. (二区)
[12] Liu XM, Wang XH, Chen ZX, et al. De novo assembly and comparative transcriptome analysis: novel insights into terpenoid biosynthesis in Chamaemelum nobile L. Plant Cell Rep. 2019, 38: 101-116. (二区)
[13] Cheng SY, Liu XM, Liao YL, et al. Genome-wide identification of wrky family genes and analysis of their expression in response to abiotic stress in Ginkgo biloba L. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo. 2019, 47(4): 1100-1115. (共一,四区)
[14] Liu XM, Tao TT, Meng XX, et al. Cloning and expression analysis of a farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPPS) gene from Chamaemelum nobile. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo. 2017, 45(2): 358. (四区)
[15] Liu XM, Zhu L, Song QL, et al. Effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid on the photosynthesis, antioxidant system, and α-Bisabolol content of Matricaria recutita. Not. Bot. Horti Agrobo. 2018, 46(2): 418. (四区)
[16] Liu XM, Meng XX, Ye JB, et al. Characterization of novel chalcone synthase gene (CnCHS) from Chamaemelum nobile. Biotechnology. 2018, 17: 54-61. (EI)
[17] 刘晓梦, 唐宁, 陈泽雄, 等. 植物表皮毛发育研究进展[J]. 园艺学报, 2021, 48(04): 705-718.
[18] 刘晓梦,陶婷婷,孟想想, 等. 洋甘菊组织培养的研究[J]. 北方园艺,2018(2): 72-76.
1. 刘晓梦,许锋,饶申,程水源,袁志刚,《一种堇叶碎米荠WRKY转录因子的鉴定、表征和表达分析及其在硒积累中的调控作用》(实审);
2. 许锋,刘晓梦,常杰,朱丽,宋启玲,叶家保,周忠诚,《一种提高洋甘菊α-甜没药醇含量的方法》(授权);
3. 许锋,刘晓梦,谭俊萍,叶家保,张威威,廖咏玲,杨晓燕,《一种基于转录组测序挖掘黄连小檗碱生物合成相关基因的方法》(授权);
4. 许锋,刘晓梦,唐宁,陈泽雄,张威威,廖咏玲,叶家保,杨晓燕,《一种基于三代全长和二代转录组测序挖掘花椒叶片萜类化合物合成关键基因的方法》(实审)。
[1] 许锋;陈泽雄;唐宁;张威威;刘晓梦. 青花椒重要经济性状形成的分子调控机制,梁希林业科学技术奖自然科学奖,二等奖。2024
[2] 程水源;饶申;向极钎;丛欣;程华;胡依黎;张莉;陈强文;王学东;刘海远;杨伟;刘晓梦;薛华;李洁;柯昌英. 植物源富有机硒产品研发的关键技术及产业化,科学技术进步奖,二等奖。2024
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,ZaERF166响应MeJA诱导调控花椒萜类化合物合成的分子机制研究(32301635),主持,在研;
2. 武汉市知识创新专项项目曙光项目,WRKY8转录因子调控董叶碎米荠硒代谢分子机制研究(2023020201020456),主持,在研;
3. 湖北省重点研发项目子课题,茶树富硒栽培技术及富硒机理研究(2023BBB065-B),主持,在研;
4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,青花椒选择育种技术与种质创制(2019YFD1001205),参与;
5. 国家自然科学基金,GbEMF2参与调控银杏开花时间的分子机制研究(31670608),参与。